Three heroic explorers wander the post-apocalyptic desert on a mission to save their village from despair. They soon find a dark, twisted tower that has risen from the depths of the planet and seemingly holds the key to their survival. In order to ensure their victory, one of them has made a secret pact with the Titan of Death, Epimetheus, allowing th...
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OS *: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 x64
Processor: Intel Core2 Duo E4500 (2 * 2200) or higher
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 9600 GT (512 MB) or higher
Storage: 600 MB available space
OS *: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 x64
Processor: Intel Core i3-2100 (2 * 3100) or higher